Si ea inca nu intelege de ce o bate Obama ca la scoala de corectie!
Pana atunci Hillary si McCain foc concentrat impotriva dusmanului!
Si ea inca nu intelege de ce o bate Obama ca la scoala de corectie!
Pana atunci Hillary si McCain foc concentrat impotriva dusmanului!
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Dap, io zic s-o nominalizam la Grammy, macar sa se aleaga si ea c-o recompenza ceva, un premiu de consolare.
Moshe, pregatind o vizita la Moscova
Look, I don’t want to make it hard onb anybody… but this is election time USA and if you ask me… I don’t trust anhy6 Islam Masai offbreed…. PERIOD !! Listen… I was born on US soil… a US warship ….my dad was US Navy and he was 1/2 Navajo…. his mom…Who is he?? A native of Hawaii…. a descendant of Masai… his AFRICAN NEGRO dad is and his mom is American white….Why did she marry a nigger??? But she remarried a White American who gave Barak a n education and paid for his fee thru college… But my Q is still:- Who is Barak ??Answer:- He is Masai from a war mongering tribe in Kenya, Africa. His gramma is Masai but her grandson is / or will be USA pres…. MY Pres…. and I don’t like paying thru my nose to any African nigger Masai mob abducting her for ransom form her grandson…. means we pay !!! FORGET IT….. NO OBAMA FOR ME …. OUT WITH THE NIGGER….
pardon monsher sami fie cu iertare
si daca dau muku peste bord
e pentru ca aveam o corectare
referitor la doamna cu cantare
ca a sarit o nota din acord…..
haolio ca me salio refrenu….. de fapt vroima sa reftic un detaliu dier moshe… nu o bate ca la scoala de corectie, ca e ea batuta destul si mai apoi precum se stie o bate cu sigurantza la scoala de erectzie cred ca vroiai sa zici…insa ce mai conteaza ….vorba lu nea Bahus…sa cante lautarii sa dansese fetele…sau sa vina militzia..
@ Donah
Yeah, man. Send them to Auschwitz! Or even better: get your pills and never skip the freezy showers, how about that?