Chomsky dixit. Un interviu cu incomodul Chomsky, găzduit în Der Spiegel. Pe sărite:
SPIEGEL: “Change” is the slogan of this year’s presidential election. Do you see any chance for an immediate, tangible change in the United States? Or, to use use Obama’s battle cry: Are you „fired up”?
Chomsky: Not in the least. The European reaction to Obama is a European delusion.
SPIEGEL: But he does say things that Europe has long been waiting for. He talks about the trans-Atlantic partnership, the priority of diplomacy and the reconciling of American society.
Chomsky: That is all rhetoric. Who cares about that? This whole election campaign deals with soaring rhetoric, hope, change, all sorts of things, but not with issues.
SPIEGEL: Do you prefer the team on the other side: the 72 year old Vietnam veteran McCain and Sarah Palin, former Alaskan beauty queen?
Chomsky: This Sarah Palin phenomenon is very curious. I think somebody watching us from Mars, they would think the country has gone insane.
Sau, dupa o vizita la Miorita in stana :
„This Tariceanu & Basescu phenomenon is very odd and curious. I think somebody watching us from Pluto or far away , they would think the country has gone insane. Certainly.”
Dixit !
Insane indeed. But who cares about that?
Maybe students, maybe soldiers… aşa era bancul?
O informatie : Interviul lui Chomsky din Der Spiegel poate fi citit, in limba romana, pe blogul meu la data de 7 octombrie
I-am avut şi p-ăştia. Iei acu’ vorbesc de schimbare? Ăhăhă! Păi să-i întrebe p-ăia din Marte ce făceau ei prin 96? Se jucau cu puţa-n ţărână. Asta e.
Anti Defamation League a considerat ca zvastica nu are ce cauta in spatiul public, dar ambitiosul Patapeivici, intr-o totala lipsa de respect pentru opinia publica si fata de organizatii care apara anumite valori ale demnitatii umane, afirma ca zvastica nu deranja pentru ca nu era pozitionata „pe casa unui evreu si nici pe o sinagoga”, asta daca poneiul insusi nu ar fi fost asa ceva. Gluma (!?) directorului Institutului Cultural Roman merita amendata si credem ca organismele in drept se vor sesiza.
Patapievici nu este responsabil pentru aparitia poneiului buclucas la New York, dar raspunde pentru incapatanarea de a apara o cauza pierduta. Domnule Patapievici, cel putin scuzele de rigoare ar fi binevenite!
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