Cerere globală există căcălău, există şi Videanu, iar ungurul ăla de la Mediu are ceva cu românii dacă se opune proiectului.
„For the first time in decades, investors are allocating a fraction of their portfolios to gold on a long-term basis. That marks a return to normality, some argue. For centuries, gold has been central to savers. ‘The aberration had been the last 20-30 years in which gold moved out of most investors’ portfolios,’ says Mr. [Jonathan] Spall [a director at Barclays Capital in London and author of Investing in Gold: The essential safe haven investment for every portfolio.].”
Ungurii e rai cu romanii de cand vor sa ne fure ardealu!
Normalitatea cleptocratilor lui Videanu poate. Aurul ca etalon a produs deflatie si doua razboaie mondiale: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_standard
exact, cumparati aur acuma cat e scump